Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pre-dawn Quiet

Looking at the pre and post daylight hours I have a constant craving to be a vampire and always live in the soft colours seen here in this picture. (It's either a vampire or a graveyard shift 7-11 clerk. However, I find the Slurpee to be untrustworthy and dimwitted companion of the night.)

The velvety shades relax my retinas making me feel like I can finally stop squinting. Some days I squintch so tightly I'm sure my face WILL stick that way. Just like mom said! My eyes are lazy about the sun; the ding dang glowing orb makes my eye innards stretch so tight they make designer jeans look like MC Hammer's pants. Look it up.

I am going to paint this photo soon, but it's so lovely I wanted to post it. Plus it gives me a chance to wax ridiculous on the interwebissimo. Ah twilight. Vampire life might not be so bad. I honestly get a tad miffed to read about what monsters they are. So they kill people by sucking them dry as beef jerky. We humans have done no worse on a global/economic/ecological scale since time immemorial. But, it's like buying a juicy lamb chop at the store. No-one had to see the cute lil animule sliced no harm done. Oh, OH I get it! You're one of those high browed philanthropists who believe that because humans are capable of conscious thought and are rational minded (?) that we have somehow check mated our way out of the food chain.

Well, we have lived a long time with no predator. And, cancer and AIDs are not at all romantic. Now with a vampire as our predator we not only have a chance at immortal life ourselves ( a big drawback to vampirism in my opinion. Talk about ad infinitum, to say nothing of the reference lists.) but we are probably in for some hot sex too! Okay calm down I really don't endorse the taking of innocent lives. If I did I would be wishing myself right inside ole W's tighty- whities directing wars with his heat seeking joystick. (Not that he doesn't already have a full load in his britches already. I 've digressed off my point now and will have to reconfigure and coagulate. So back to the coffin!