Saturday, February 2, 2008

Seeing and Memory (these paintings)

How much information can we store in our memories? There is always so much to remember that some casually accessed number, or code will occasionally slip and be logged as "no access". Each day our eyes take in even more seemingly random and unimportant visual information. Data that has no words just shapes like bubbles floating unnoticed through our consciousness. In daily movement through our lives there are traffic intersections that signal us to turn sown a known street, and lightposts that, on a walk, let us know we are almost home. But we hardly notice the craving our minds have to meet and recognise these objects in our secure view of home, neigborhood, town, city, country.
These things arouse my curiosity in a world where we are always looking straight ahead marching onward and upward to our destinies. It is the peripheral view, and the contorted memory of place and time that I want to explore. I want to paing the images that I see straight from the fishbowl of my memory: floating images that sometimes connect and sometimes seem unrelated and confused. These meet up as paintings emerge with the random numbers and words that come crashing out of short term and long term memory with no anchors.
As dreams are a releasing of tension and sorting of information, so my painting is a similar experience for me. I hope the viewer can enter the world and attach their own meanings to the buildings and atmospheres they see.

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