Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Flash, the Animation not the Superhero

Have you experienced Flash animation?! It’s the great popular new way to grab the attention of us consumers who are just aching to spend money on any old thing we see advertised. Yes, yes!….. I giggle happily when I think of the hours I spent trying to match dance moves with the hip hop alien. Oh ho ho! How light on his talons he was! Imagine then my delight when the Flash Masters decided to assail our eyes with booty dancing office workers. Woop get it git it! Wow! I really got to get me some of that insurance.

Since then though, things have gotten a little down in the mouth. It’s probably the recession bringing everyone down. It’s like the Flash Masters conferred and decided that when people are unemployed, and losing their homes, they need to really be thinking about how wrinkly they are. We should be concentrating on how the Disney like magic of: mineral powders, miracle crèmes, pomegranates, cave bat placenta injections, green tea colonics, Lost Sea mud masques, and acai berries can really take our minds off of the trivial goings on of our pre-apocalyptic western dream, and back onto the surface where we can get back to spending like Americans! Breaking out those hardly earned dollars on stuff that really MEANS something. God Bless America.

I love also that flash can mimic perfectly, and constantly, and repetitively, the sponge like quality of a post maternity belly. Yes I am giddy with delight to know that with a few freeze frames looped together I, and millions more women and men, can be informed of the disaster, heartbreak, and global importance involved in not having the belly of a 16 year old cheerleader. Phew. Thanks advertising and thanks Yahoo for bringing all these imperatives to our attention …U Rock.

1 comment:

Dene said...

I love this more than I love life-!

You makes me laugh, Birdmccargar-!

Now... I must get back to cruising the 'Lifestyle Lift' website.